Project Description

ALC Workshop @ MN Center for Book Arts


AMOUNT: $253

ALC at MN Center for Book Arts


In April of 2014, art teacher Laura Anton took 25 ALC students to the Minnesota Center for Book Arts (MCBA) in downtown Minneapolis for a bookmaking workshop. Laura says, “Most of my students have never been to an art museum or other arts establishments. I wanted to find a way to encourage them to explore more of the cultural opportunities that exist in the Twin Cities area.”

At the workshop, the students learned basic bookbinding techniques to construct their own multi-page hardcover accordion books. Students have since used their books as a space to journal, and continued to work creatively by embellishing the books with their own artwork. ALl students who attended the field trip said that they enjoyed the experience.

MN Center for Book Arts

“By providing students with enriching learning opportunities, it is my hope that ALC students will become more engaged and successful in school.”

-Laura Anton

finished book

“I loved making the book. The best thing about it is that I made it all by myself and I now get to write in it.”

-Jaleah, Student

Students with their handmade books